In today’s Daily Fix:A reliable leaker may have revealed the U.S. date for the PlayStation 5 slim and PS5 slim bundle with Spider-Man 2. It doesn’t look like there’s a fancy Spider-themed PS5 in the bundle, just the standard edition with a copy of the game. That bundle looks like it’ll arrive in stores on November 8 for $559.99. The non-bundle PS5 slims will go on sale November 10. In other news, the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection, Volume 1 will finally let you pause during those lengthy cutscenes—the catch is that it might take about 10 seconds to actually see the pause menu. A YouTuber had apparently gotten ahold of an early copy and in his streamed gameplay, it took quite a while to actually pause the game. This could be a bug that’ll be patched out likely on Day 1, or…maybe it’s Konami’s way of making you sit through those cutscenes? And finally, The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria has been delayed on PS5 just days ahead of its launch. The PC version will hit the Epic Games Store as scheduled on October 24, but PS5 owners will need to wait until December 5th. With how the last LOTR game was received (Gollum), myabe they should take all the time they need.
PS5 Slim U.S. Release Date and Spider-Man 2 Bundle Leaked – IGN Daily Fix